Fair Trade
Hands of Mothers is very proud of our recognition as a fair trade producer and distributor through the Fair Trade Federation (FTF). Fair Trade is an economic partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect. For Federation members, this system of exchange seeks to create greater equity and partnership in the international trading system by:
• Creating Opportunities for Economically and Socially Marginalized Producers
• Developing Transparent and Accountable Relationships
• Building Capacity
• Promoting Fair Trade
• Paying Promptly and Fairly
• Supporting Safe and Empowering Working Conditions
• Ensuring the Rights of Children
• Cultivating Environmental Stewardship
• Respecting Cultural Identity
Fair trade is not about charity. It is a holistic approach to trade and development that aims to alter the ways in which commerce is conducted, so that trade can empower the poorest of the poor. Fair Trade organizations seek to create sustainable and positive change in developing and developed countries.